Excellent Stag Party Drinking Games

Excellent Stag Party Drinking Games

Here are some amazing Bachelor and Stag Party drinking games that will have the whole Stag Do talking for days.

Bottle Cap Jenga

How to Play: Take turns stacking beer bottle caps on top of the empty beer bottle one at a time. You can put the beer bottle cap whatever way you want, face up or down. If the pile of beer bottle caps ends up falling on your turn you need to take a drink.

The Stag Game

How to Play: Select a stag to start the game by raising both hands to imitate antlers on their head. The players to the immediate left and right of the stag should raise their nearest hand to form one antler each. All three players should waggle their antlers until the stag raises his hands and points at another player, thereby passing the job of being the stag. The new stag and two adjacent players must assume the position immediately. Players failing to raise or drop their hands as soon as the role of the stag has changed must drink.

The Number Game

How to Play: The chairman thinks of a number between 1 and 100 and secretly notes it on paper (example: the number is 36). The aim of the game is for all players to avoid guessing that number, as they will have to take a drink as a penalty. The first player calls out a number between 1 and 100 e.g. 40. Then chairman offers the next player a number between 1 and 40. The next person then calls out a number e.g. 25. It is then narrowed down to a number between 25 and 40. This continues until someone picks ‘36’.

The Story Game

Somebody picks a letter of the alphabet. Then the first person starts the story with the letter chosen at the start of their sentence. Then the next person has to carry on the story starting with the last letter of the previous sentence. If a person takes more than five seconds they must take a drink. Watch the story grow throughout the group, great fun had

The Name Game

Your Stag Party must think of related names. Whilst they are thinking they must keep drinking, stopping only when they answer correctly. Everybody needs to sit in a circle, the first player will say someone’s name e.g. Peter Smith and the person sitting on their left responds with a name beginning with the first letter of the previous surname e.g. Sarah Cooper. You cannot repeat a name and if a player can’t think of an answer immediately, they must drink until they can answer.

A or B

This is a drinking game played by voting. Whoever is in the minority receives the drinking penalty. Taking it in turns each person asks a question and gives two possible answers. Examples of typical questions are:

  • Which do you prefer: Lemonade or Coke?
  • Who would you rather shag? Angelina Jolie or J-Lo?

Your Stag Party thinks about which option they will vote for. Then the person gives their answer. Whoever agrees with this answer raises their hands. The votes are counted and the players who are in the minority drink. If everyone in the group votes for the same answer as the person asking the question, then the person asking the question drinks. If the number of players in the group is an even amount and an equal number vote for each option, then everyone drinks. Play then continues with the next person asking a question.

Beer Pong

For this drinking game you will need one table, 12 small cups or glasses, a ping pong ball and lots of your favourite drink.
Arrange 6 cups at each end of the table in a triangle. Half fill each of the cups with the chosen drink. Players sit at opposite ends of the table behind the array of cups. Players take it in turns to try to bounce the ping pong ball into the opponent’s cups. When the ball has successfully landed in the cup, the opponent must drink the contents of the cup. Play can continue using different drinks.


For this game you need a small coin, a table you don’t mind getting a few small dents in (perhaps use a bread board instead) and a glassed.
Pour two fingers of the penalty drink in the glass. Place the glass on the table, or several centimeters away from the bread board.
Each player takes it in turns to try to bounce the coin off the table into the shot glass. Depending on what happens you do the following:

  • If you miss completely, it’s the next persons turn
  • If you get it in, you can nominate someone to drink the contents of the glass. You then get another turn.
  • If the coin bounces off the glass without going in, one of the other players may ‘challenge’ you. During a ‘challenge’ the contents of the glass are doubled, and you try to bounce the coin again. If you miss you drink the penalty, if you get it in the challenger drinks.
  • If you get the coin in the glass three times in a row you can make a new rule that all players must obey.

Finger It

A quick-fire drinking game with everyone sat in a circle and the last person in has to drink.
Everyone places one finger around the rim of a glass placed in the middle of the table. Going around the circle, each player takes it in turns to call out a prediction for how many fingers will be left on the glass when everyone has moved their finger, or not. Just as the number is called out, everyone must then either leave their finger on the glass or take it away. This must happen quickly, without any time for thought. The number of fingers left on the glass are counted, and if the person calling the number has guessed correctly, they are out of the game and safe from drinking. If not, that player stays in, everyone puts their fingers back on the glass, and the next person round calls a number.
The game continues around the circle until only one person is left. They have lost the game and must down their drink.

The Drug Dealer

This is a game to play while doing other things at a party. To play the game you need one playing card for each participant. You always need one King and one Ace, and a variety of numbered cards: some low, some mid, some high, but just one card per player.

The cards are dealt face down– take a quick peek. The person who gets the King is the cop, the person who gets the ace is the drug dealer and everyone else are bystanders.
It is the drug dealer’s job to very, VERY discreetly wink at another player. This person will eventually say, “the deal has been made”. At this time, the cop identifies him/herself and tries to figure out who the dealer is. The cop chooses a player; if wrong the cop drinks the number shown on the card and then chooses again. If wrong again, he drinks the number on that card. When the cop chooses correctly, the drug dealer drinks the NUMBER OF CARDS remaining, NOT the total of the numbers on the cards. After that, the cards are re-dealt, and the game goes on.

This is a great game when people don’t feel like playing a game because it’s the regular socializing that helps disguise any winks and keeps the cop on his/her toes. However, it helps a lot if the players do sit in a circle while playing and not spread around a room. Obviously if you want to increase the boot factor, play with high numbered cards.

Stag Party Side Drinking Games

Grenade Master

At the start of any game, a Grenade Master is selected. At any point in the course of a game, the Grenade Master can shout “Grenade!”. All other players must hurry to take cover by getting under the table. The last person to do so loses and must down their drink (or other suitable punishment). This person then becomes the next Grenade Master.

I Am Spartacus

At any time of any game, any player can choose to stand up and say, “I Am Spartacus” and raise their glass before downing their drink. After which, all other players must stand up, raise their glasses, say “I Am Spartacus” and also down their drinks.

Is He Finnish?

This is a chant to be shouted whilst someone is downing their drink. Someone calls out, for example, “Is he Spanish?” and everyone else replies “No!” if the drink hasn’t been finished yet. This continues, using any nationality the caller chooses, until the person downing their drink is finishing. At this point, the caller shouts, “Is he Finnish?” and everyone responds “Yes!”

Question Master

At the start of any game, a Question Master is elected. Whilst another game is being played, the Question Master can at any time ask another person a question.
If that person answers the question, they must drink two fingers.
However, that person can ‘block’ the Question Master with the response “Is that a question?”. If this is said back to the Question Master, it is them that must drink the two fingers.
The role of the Question Master moves round the group every 10 minutes.

Thumb Master

At the start of any game, a Thumb Master is elected.
This person can, at any time during whatever game is being played, place either of his/her thumbs on the edge of the table. All the other players must copy the person by placing their same thumb on the table as well. The last person to do this loses. The penalty is to down their drink.
The loser then takes over as Thumb Master. Whatever game was being played continues. The Thumb Master can then strike again at any time!

Lastly, BoyzWeekend has plenty of unique Stag Party ideas to choose from. View our Stag Party packages here.