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Jet Boating | Rotorua


Welcome to Kawarau Jet, based on the shores of scenic Lake Rotorua. If ever a tourism operator lived up to its catch-cry of speed, spins and adrenaline, it’s Kawarau Jet. You’ll only have to look at the smiley faces of passengers who’ve embarked from the big yellow boat to know they’ve had an awesome experience.

We offer an endless range of activities, combining sight seeing and the cultural aspects of the surrounding area with speed, spins and adrenalin. People of all ages are welcome to step aboard and cruise with us across the waters of Lake Rotorua.

Kjet Rotorua owns two Mackraft boats that boast a Hamilton 212 commercial jet unit – one a single engine 350 Chev registered to carry 11 people and the other with twin 350 Chevs registered to carry 28 people.

A NZ standards Qualmark endorsed activity, Kjet Rotorua combines the cultural aspects of the area with the speed and world famous Hamilton Spins. But this is just the beginning. With an endless range of combo's & activities, Kawarau Jet Rotorua will be a hard act to follow. So set the standard high with Kawarau Jet Rotorua.

FREE $20 photo + 4 postcards  
 $ 69